This means Christmas is just around the corner! Are you ready? I'm not, but that's normal for me. It will all come together. We leave Thursday for Lakeside Montana. And with 4 cats and 1 dog to take care of there is
a lot still to do.

So I tried to get the rest of my vintage decorations photographed. I'm sure I missed something.
This little lady is so pretty. She is missing one wing but I don't care I still love her. This little guy has lost his kissing partner. Maybe someday I will find her. I'm on the look out.

She has such a sweet face.

I feel kind of bad for him. He's waiting for that kiss.

These are small records. I just picked these up on Saturday at an estate sale. I don't know if they are scratched. I'm thinking about getting a record player since they are coming back.

These are a few vintage Christmas cards. The one in the front is a cut out. Christmas Greetings holds a photo inside. I sent a few of those out last year. This is my last one.

December 1954

Well, I guess that's it. I have really enjoyed this. Thank you
Joan, you have done a great job.
I do wish everyone Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year.
Blessing to all!

I almost missed this. A recipe box.

I love the Santa!
Merry Christmas to all again!
Love, love, love this post. You have given me so many ideas for next year! Have a wonderful (cold!) Christmas in Montana! Let us know if you need help with the critters. Walk when you get back?
I love the shot of the little boy waiting for his kiss.....priceless. I have to say I have never seen red records. I do have the little yellow ones in my collection but no red ones. How cool to see something new. Thanks for sharing. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
So cute all your vintage things. Hope you find the missing partner so your little boy can get his kiss! Love his puckered up face! The recipe box is so sweet...love it all.
I wish I could look inside your vintage magazine. I think I'll be on the lookout for something like that.
just a quick visit to say Merry Christmas to you my friend and a very happy new year
Oh I just love that little kissing angel!!! I'm gonna miss vintage Christmas Monday!
Blessings to you KarenSue and Merry Christmas!!
:) T
such wonderful vintage treasures! Have a very merry christmas!
Have a wonderfully Merry Christmas!
Look at all those vintage Christmas goodies! Thank you so much for participating in Vintage Christmas Mondays!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! xo Joan, you hostess
Came by to see your beautiful things and to wish you and your family a really peaceful and happy holiday!
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