Well I guess you can tell I found my camera charger, just in time for our first open house.
So here we go! I will try not to write very much because there are lots of pictures.

OK, first here are pictures of our space.
We wanted to be all decorated for Halloween for the open house.
We had so much fun this week getting ready for this.
Our things seem to mix very well.

We are full to the brim and already talking about a bigger space.
I just don't think we are ready for that.
Kathy made our beautiful sign!
She is Chic and I'm Shabby.
I love the western look.
I have a few of these worn cowboy boots.
I fill them with dirt and plant flowers in them.

Here we are!
Sue on the left and that makes Kathy on the right.

Sorry Kathy, I couldn't tell your eyes were closed when I downloaded the picture.
Love this hat!
She looks better in it.

Me and my hubby Duncan.

Me with 2 of my girls, Amanda and Katie.

Katie Duncan Amanda
This is Rachel and Emily, best friends.
Rachel is Kathy's and Emily is mine.
When they get older you just can't seem to get all the girls together for a family photo anymore.
We both have 3 girls.

Kathy and her hubby Bruce.

Kathy and her oldest Brittney

My sister Shari, me, Nicole(store manager), Renee'(store owner) and Kathy.

We were trying to do the
cleavage shot.

Our wonderful long time friends.
Lori(BFF) Michelle, Me, Kathy.
Our kids started kindergarden together and they just graduated from high school this year.
I think we all look the same.

My friend from high school, Phyllis.

More friends.
Cindy in the middle lives across the street and her 2 girls grew up with mine.

My sister Shari and I.
Do you think we look alike?
She is a year younger then me but she has 5! grandchildren and I have none. So that makes her older now.

My very good buddie Ann from
And CG another longtime friend.

Chit Chat

Other booths in the store.

The Susans!
These ladies are so talented.
They do this art with a simple camera. And they have classes.

This is Jim. His space is next to ours.
I love his stuff and he knows his stuff.

More booths

and more

and more.
I hope you enjoyed our space.
I have to say we are very proud.
Thanks for sticking with me thru all these pictures.
And thank you to all my family and friends who came by to visit.
We had a blast!
Hugs to all my blogging friends.