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Go see! Have you seen the pretty new Folk magazine? Well, you need to if you have not. Your not going to find it at the usual places like the grocery store or even Barnes and Noble, yet. I find mine at Adjectives from my friend Dawn's booth, When Pigs Fly. She also has a shop in Mt Dora Florida. Just the name should get you there. Anyhoo, I have to tell you this because I'm such a nice person and I want to share. Folk is selling a full years subscription for $5.00! That's less then one magazine costs!! And to top that, now they are giving away I Pads, yes that's plural!! I want one. There are several ways to win, so go on over the their link and play to win. OK, I'm really kind of selfish. I'm trying to win here so I'm telling you. Is that so wrong? Good luck to all, including me..hehe Are you ready for Christmas? I gave 2 friends Folk magazine subscriptions, that's a $5.00 gift!! And it keeps on giving!! You can't beat that.. We are leaving Friday for Montana so we should be having a white Christmas..I hope. I have no Internet out there so you won't hear much from me, that's pretty normal lately. I hope to change that up next year. My hubby surprised me with a new/used bike so now I'm trying to take a neighbor ride in the morning with my camera. You know how the new year renews you, I'm hoping it renews me. And my friend Gail is going to help me with my picture storage problem. She's pretty blog smart! My thoughts are with all those involved in the horrible Sandy Hook tragedy. I pray for them everyday. It's just doesn't seem fare that life has to go on. XOXO |
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Folk...have you seen it?
Saturday, December 15, 2012
A package for me?!!
Packages or boxes come to our house almost everyday, never for me.
So was I surprised this said my name!!
From my good friend Ann that moved to California, I miss you.
Ann is The Boston Lady
All wrapped up with a jute ribbon, because she knows me so well.
A sweet note.
Merry Christmas Ann!!
Look what she sent me!!
Beautiful cards from Muddy Boot Dreams Photography.
As you can see, profits from these cards are donated to the Alzheimer's Society of BC.
Thank you Ann, you really do know me and that make me happy.
Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family.
Miss you...
Lola B just loves the glow and warmth of the Christmas tree.
I tried paper whites for the first time this year.
I can believe how easy they are to grow. I'm not crazy how they smell.
I like finding old garden equipment to plant things in, like this old fertilizer spreader.
I have planted a few peppers, I have to leave the marker because I can't ever remember what I plant.
Jack blends in all with all the white.
He's only 2 years old but acts like an old man, very calm.
He's a another sweet heart
My yellow bush that I'm making into a tree is blooming nicely.
It attracts yellow butterflies, I try to plant things that attract birds and butterflies.
This guy comes every morning and starts squawking very loud, then all the birds and squirrels start yelling and trying to warn everyone to protect their babies.
It's sad because he will fly into the trees and come out with a baby and fly off.
Lola is a happy girl...
I went to my friend Gail's house the other day so she could help me with my camera skills and some tips for storing pictures. I have had such a problem blogging because I just don't understand some things.
Help Gail!!
Gail is Camera Crazy! That's the name of her blog and she is!!
Baxter is a real cutie.
Don't you love that cute stool?!!
She has a great home, very eclectic, just what makes a home.
Oh, I want to show you something my brother in law, Scott, taught me at Thanksgiving.
Do you like rutabaga? I do! It's Scott's job to make the rutabaga, he went on line and found a great way to peel them. I don't make them very often because they are so hard to peel and cut.
I have been known to take them outside to the driveway with a huge knife to cut them in half.
Well, put them in a bowl.
Microwave them for a few minutes. My camera battery died right after this picture so I just have to tell you from here. It melts the wax and makes it so easy to peel with a potato peeler and because they have softened up in the microwave they are easy to cut up.
I finish boiling them like potato's and mash with butter.
It's Saturday, the day after the horrible tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary. My heart is just so heavy, I don't know what to say. God bless them all.
It's hard to have a normal day when you know these people are hurting so bad.
I'm just so sorry...
Hugs to them
Saturday, December 8, 2012
I'm back!! maybe...
Blogger let me post pictures!!
So I thought I would show you my Christmas decorations before they cut me off again.
I tried to make it simpler this year, for me this is simple.
Am I a terrible mother because I didn't put any of my girls ornaments on the tree?
Nobody helps me decorate anymore so I don't think they even know.
I have about 300 vintage ornaments, I can't stop.
They are getting harder to find, especially for a good price.
This truck is very small, I didn't even realize it said Highway Construction on it until I looked at this picture...
Lola B loves the tree, we keep finding her sleeping under it.
I found this amazing wreath at a thrift store for $1.00!
I finally found an old rusty crusty dump truck and the best part is I bought it from a blogging friend!!!
Susie Toss of From My Home to Yours...
You can fine her in Lily Lace in Winter Park Florida.
I don't usually buy from the big stores, but I really liked this pillow from Potterybarn.
My friend Anita in Montana made the wreath and the Christmas tree.
She is one talented lady.
Her shop is Vintiquities in Somers Montana, right on highway 93 with the most beautiful view of Flathead Lake.
My front door display.
This is before I put the ornaments and vintage garland on the tree, I kind of like it just like this.
Merry Christmas to you!
Have you finished shopping? Not me, I'm never done early.
I better get going today.
Have a great weekend blogger friends
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Look what I did to my blog!!!
I was cleaning up my photos on my computer thinking pictures were on my blog so I could delete them. Well, I really messed up something, I'm not sure what happened.
It might have something to do with google. This might be the end of my blogging world. I'm so upset right now I don't know what's going to happen. Also, as you can see, I can't even get the SueBee at the bottom of the post...

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