Saturday, May 8, 2010

Don't hate me because I won!

I won a giveaway! Why does that make me feel so special. Isn't it luck. Nobody chose me first to play a game. You know it's just something so nice. Jamie from Remnants was nice enough to have a giveaway. And I won! Thank you Jamie from Montana!

I sure hope you go visit Jamie. She sure is nice!


Karla@TheClassyWoman said...

Congrats! It sure is nice winning a giveaway after entering several different ones. I was lucky enough to win 2 books so far-one great Christmas book and an e-book from Layla Palmer at the Lettered Cottage. :)


BTW: I've got a great giveaway right now, pop on by...


The Boston Lady said...

yea!!!!! But what did you win???

Becca said...

Hi Karen Sue! Congratulations on your win! Looking forward to seeing what you won. Have a lovely Mother's Day :-)

Jamie said...

I promise I am mailing this tomorrow. I know you are anxious to get your 'prize'. I found a bunch of fun treasures at the local 'vintage' shop so I am packing them up and you'll have them soon! Jamie V in MT