Hello to all who visit me!
I'm sorry I haven't posted for a few days. I'm having trouble downloading pictures and I like to have pictures with my posts. I thought I would show you some things I collect. I love old jars and old sewing things.

I found both these pillows at the thrift store for $1.91 each! The one on the right is linen with pretty embroidery, it's a long pillow from potterbarn. The other has a lot of texture and it's lined with silk. They have feather inserts that they came with!

This is my favorite lamp shade. I found this at a garage sale a long time ago for $2.00.

These are things I have picked up a estate sales, garage sales and the thrift store.

I love this print. I found this at the thrift store for $3.93.
I hope you enjoy. I'm learning how to download. My daughter is working very hard with me.
Smiles to you and thanks for stopping by
I love your treasures...and I am also really loving that birdhouse beside the beautiful print! The lampshade...I can see why you love it...aren't thrifty finds fun?
You have found such wonderful treasures! the search is such fun,
thanks for sharing,
lovely treasures. i love that print too. beautiful. i always need photos with my posts too. i guess i am a visual person.
Great Treasure hunting!! I love the spools and the old jar! I have to have photos too, all the technical stuff to make it happen is hard though! Happy Monday!
Finding hidden treasures is one of the joys of being a collector!! I use to have a reocurring dream of getting to go through an attic that hadn't been touched in years & the joy of all the wonderful things I would find. I love garage sales & thrift stores...just the best! Have a great week...
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